Gola & Glóra í Hafnarfirði | G&G moves to Hafnarfjörður Margrét LeópoldsdóttirMay 7, 2018Litla Hönnunar BúðinComment
Jólakrans í Vikunni | Christmas wreath in the Weekly Magazine Margrét LeópoldsdóttirJanuary 9, 2017Comment
Myndaþáttur í Vikunni | Wreaths in the Weekly Magazine Margrét LeópoldsdóttirSeptember 28, 2016Comment
Kransar Tour of Reykjavík | The Tour of Reykjavík wreaths Margrét LeópoldsdóttirSeptember 13, 2016Comment
Eftirvænting í loftinu | Eager anticipation Margrét LeópoldsdóttirMarch 8, 2016Syrusson HönnunarhúsComment
Hönnunar Mars 2016 | Design March 2016 Margrét LeópoldsdóttirFebruary 29, 2016Syrusson HönnunarhúsComment
Gola & Glóra í Skúmaskoti | Gola & Glóra are part of Skúmaskot Margrét LeópoldsdóttirDecember 10, 2015SkúmaskotComment